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DIY Back to School with Mod Podge!

DIY Back to School with Mod Podge!

Here in the south, many parents and kids are already making the trek to their favorite stores to purchase "back-to-school" supplies.  Can you believe it?  The summer has flown by.

Parents, today I want to share with you some fun projects using Mod Podge that you can create together with your children spicing up basic composition notebooks; turning them into creative works of art that every student will want!


I created these projects which are featured in the latest Mod Podge publication from Lark Crafts, "The BIG Book of Mod Podge" which can be found at your favorite book store or online at!

Take a look at the three composition notebooks below, creative touches are different on each one; everything from personalization with photos of best friends and labeling with a name to adding favorite icons, ribbons, gems and trims.

And let's not forget about the fun pencil holder made from an oatmeal canister, toilet paper tubes and a small wooden plaque!  Oh, and let's check out the fun embellished pencils!   Helping your child keep their supplies organized will make homework studies a breeze!

You will find this project featured in the "Family Mod Podge" section of the book because this is the perfect parent/child craft project to help them get ready for school!

Complete with step-by-step instructions, you will be able to follow along and decorate your back to school supplies in a creative afternoon easily!

So are you with me?  Want to get creative with your kiddos before the summer is gone?  Pick up a copy today of "The BIG Book of Mod Podge" and have some fun planning for a wonderful school year ahead!

And while you're at it, create a special Mod Podged gift for the teacher as shown below.  You can find instructions here for a project by Cathie & Steve. 

Posted: 8/4/2015 8:07:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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